Turtle Bay are give away birthday gifts to those born in December!


Turtle Bay Caribbean restaurant and bar are here to sooth those December birthday blues as they finally thrust December born babes back into the spotlight where they belong with a free cocktail (or two if it’s happy hour) for every diner whose big day falls in December.

The Turtle Bay team appreciate how it feels to be overshadowed by the C word every single year… the endless parties that aren’t about you and the ‘joint birthday-Christmas gift’ issues. OK, there’s the chance to eat double the cake, but ultimately December birthdays don’t get the attention they deserve.

Turtle Bay are here with the remedy as they’re offering birthday boys and girls in December a FREE birthday cocktail. And if it’s during Happy Hour (12-7pm and then 10pm – close) then they’ll get two!

All guests have to do is book their birthday meal at Turtle Bay in December, declare “It’s Not Christmas, It’s My Birthday” and a free cocktail will be theirs!”

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