West Essex Hospital at Home service shortlisted for award


A team that provides hospital-level care for patients at home has been shortlisted for a national award.
The West Essex Hospital at Home service, led by Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT), has been shortlisted in the HSJ Digital Awards for Improving Out of Hospital Care through Digital.
The service provides hospital care for people who can be safely treated at home or in their usual place of residence to prevent admission to hospital and to support early safe discharge.
A team of doctors, advanced clinical practitioners, nurses, pharmacists and paramedics monitor patients every day using a combination of home visits, remote monitoring equipment and phone calls.
The Hospital at Home team works in partnership with Doccla, who provide the remote monitoring equipment, and a wide range of system partners including GPs, Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow, the East of England Ambulance Trust, Essex County Council’s Adult Social Care, care homes, and domiciliary care providers.
The innovative remote monitoring equipment complements in-person care, enabling staff to safely and effectively monitor patients and intervene quickly if their health deteriorates.
Kit is supplied according to patients’ individual needs and includes a blood pressure monitor, pulse oximeter, a blood glucose monitor, cardiotacograph, activity tracker, scales, thermometer, and multi-function patches and armbands.
Bluetooth technology transmits individual readings straight to the clinical teams via a tablet supplied to the patient by Doccla.
A watch has also been developed that takes readings for the patient without them needing to do anything. This technology will help people who are frail and unable to use the standard equipment without assistance.
The team works closely with a variety of community services including community nursing, matrons, therapists, diabetes, respiratory, cardiac specialist nurses, speech and language therapists, podiatrists, specialist frailty and dementia and dietitians.
Nicole Rich, Director of West Essex Community Health Services at EPUT, said: “Our West Essex Hospital at Home team is committed to giving patients the best possible personalised care, supported by the use of innovative technology.
“Combining the expertise of a multi-disciplinary team and advanced monitoring equipment enables us to look after people safely and effectively at home.
“This means patients who don’t need to be in hospital are able to receive hospital care and remain in more familiar and comfortable surroundings, which supports faster recovery.
“We regularly ask patients for feedback so we can continuously develop our service, and are really pleased that the vast majority are happy with their care. Patient feedback shows 92% of patients have a good or very good experience.
“We are delighted to be shortlisted in the HSJ Digital Awards, and it’s a testament to the hard work of the team, Doccla and the other partners we work with who are dedicated to delivering a high quality service out of hospital.”
Martin Ratz, Doccla founder, said: “We are incredibly proud to be shortlisted for the HSJ Digital Awards 2025 in partnership with EPUT for Improving Out of Hospital Care through Digital.
“EPUT was one of Doccla’s very first clients nearly four years ago, and it’s amazing to see that, even after all this time, they continue to innovate and improve their virtual care service.
“This recognition is a testament to the dedication of the EPUT team and the power of digital transformation in enhancing patient care beyond hospital walls.”

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