Community feedback shapes the future direction of Colchester’s Local Plan


Colchester City Council has published the results of its extensive consultations on the Local Plan review, providing a detailed picture of community and stakeholder priorities that will shape the future of the city. Over the past year, a series of themed engagements, known as the “Issues and Options” consultations, have captured feedback on topics including sustainability, housing, green spaces and placemaking. This invaluable input will inform the next stages of the Local Plan’s development.

The consultations revealed strong public support for preserving green spaces, with the majority of comments focusing on the condition of existing spaces and ideas for new ones. Engagements on climate change policy found general support for net-zero carbon homes and buildings, although some stakeholders, including developers, urged alignment with national Building Regulations.

Feedback also highlighted the need for improvements in public transport and active travel infrastructure. Respondents expressed dissatisfaction with current public transport options and underscored the importance of creating walkable, accessible neighbourhoods to reduce car dependency.

In response to the Vision for Colchester engagement, participants shared aspirations for a sustainable and well-connected city by 2041. Key themes included promoting healthy communities, enhancing the city’s heritage, and ensuring new developments meet high standards of design and sustainability.

The Placemaking questionnaire further illustrated public priorities, with common themes including the need for energy-efficient homes, better integration of green spaces and a stronger focus on safety, security, and accessibility. Concerns were raised about the quality and infrastructure provision of recent developments, such as high-density developments in Colchester city centre, with calls for more balanced growth that respects Colchester’s unique character.

Health and wellbeing considerations were also central to the consultations. Through workshops with the North East Essex Health and Wellbeing Alliance, the council explored how the Local Plan can influence placemaking to improve public health outcomes. Discussions focused on enhancing access to green spaces, promoting sustainable travel and addressing local infrastructure needs.

Looking ahead, the council will build on these findings as it transitions to the next phase of the Local Plan review. The Preferred Options consultation is set to launch in spring 2025, subject to Local Plan Committee approval. This stage will outline proposed strategies and policies that reflect the priorities identified through these consultations, including preserving biodiversity, promoting sustainable development, and delivering infrastructure to support future growth.

From this point, the Local Plan will progress through drafting, statutory consultations, submission for independent examination and adoption, anticipated in summer 2026. The Issues and Options Report, now available on the council’s Local Plan webpage, provides a comprehensive summary of the feedback received and demonstrates how it will shape the city’s future.

Cllr Andrea Luxford Vaughan, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Environment and Sustainability, said: “We are incredibly grateful to everyone who took the time to share their views on the future of Colchester. This feedback is instrumental in shaping a Local Plan that reflects the values and aspirations of our community while addressing the challenges of climate change, housing, and infrastructure. The Preferred Options consultation in the spring will be a vital next step, and we encourage residents and stakeholders to stay engaged as we work together to create a sustainable future for our city.”

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