Upgrades on improving safety around Oakwood Pond


A project to improve the environment around Oakwood Pond, increasing visibility and safety in the area, is currently underway.

The work is being funded by government out of its UK Shared Prosperity Fund and will see new low-level bollard lights installed around the pond’s pathway to improve visibility. Work will also be carried out on the path leading to the pond from Upper Park, to improve visibility along the pathway and create a safer atmosphere for visitors.

Works are set to take between 2 and 3 months and will be completed by HTS. Following the completion of the project, a number of volunteering days are being scheduled to carry out further maintenance on the area to improve its overall look and show the plant life some much-needed care.

Councillor Nicky Purse, cabinet portfolio holder for environment and sustainability, said:

“This project is all about returning Oakwood Pond to being an attractive place that people want to visit again. The area has unfortunately, in recent years, been subject to criminal and antisocial activity which harms the character of what should be an idyllic part of the town and has a negative impact on people’s perceptions of the area.

“As part of our missions to renew our neighbourhoods and protect our communities we want to create an inviting and safe atmosphere around Oakwood Pond so that residents can once again come and enjoy its beauty. Both HTS and our volunteer teams will be integral to this and I am very much looking forward to seeing the end results.”

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