Consultation continues for new homes in East Tilbury


Developers bringing forward much needed homes and green space on land east of Gobions Park are calling on East Tilbury residents to provide further feedback to help shape future plans.

The request from Summix and Keepmoat follows a recent public consultation event in the village which gathered a wide breadth of feedback on local issues and ideas for the emerging proposals. Alongside extensive new green spaces, the proposals will include a range of new market and affordable homes.

Attended by over 150 people, the event gave residents an early chance to feed into the proposals, following Thurrock Council’s draft allocation of the land for development in their emerging Local Plan, particularly around what benefits and improvements they would like to see delivered in the local area.

Summix and Keepmoat have assembled a nationally respected team of experts in creating sustainable communities, to bring forward an exemplar development which responds to local needs and best delivers on the emerging aspirations of the area’s Local Plan.

An interactive online map has also launched, giving members of the community who couldn’t attend the event the opportunity to still have their say on the forthcoming proposals.

The project team will gather all feedback received from the event and the online submissions to help inform the plans, which will be subject to extensive technical and design work, alongside engagement with statutory bodies prior to the submission of a planning application.

Summix and Keepmoat will undertake further consultation with residents before an application is submitted.

A spokesperson for Summix said: “We would like to thank everyone who attended the event and all those who have taken the time to provide us with their feedback so far. The comments gathered through the consultation events and online mapping will play a key role in shaping our plans for the site and local area.”

“Following the Council’s draft allocation of the site, we are looking forward to providing the new homes, and amenities East Tilbury needs, which respond sensitively to the community feedback received.”

“Plans are at a very early stage, and we are keen to continue to obtain the views of the local community before developing and presenting more detailed proposals through further public engagement before we submit our planning application.”

For more information about the proposals for Land east of Gobions Park, and to take part in the interactive map, please visit:

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