Ahead of the impending cold and flu season, half of parents (51 per cent)** reveal their biggest worry this time of year is trying to battle work commitments when illness strikes, with a third (30 per cent) reporting their kids pick up an average of 2.5 illnesses per month during autumn.
According to a survey conducted by Petits Filous of 500 parents with children aged 3-6, over half (51 per cent) admit the worst part of their children falling ill is witnessing their vibrant and mischievous personalities fade. This is closely followed by the struggles of sleepless nights (40 per cent), and the ever-looming fear of catching their child’s lurgy themselves (44 per cent).
With 68% of UK parents bracing for the anticipated bouts of illnesses in the months ahead, kids’ yoghurt favourite, Petits Filous, has joined forces with Olympic champion and devoted dad of three, Greg Rutherford MBE, to empower parents to maintain their children’s immunity*.
Greg and his team of first-ever ‘Vitamin D-elivery drivers’ have embarked on a mission to distribute delicious yoghurt pots to families across London during the challenging sickness season.
Dad of three, Greg Rutherford, commented: “The autumn months can be tough as a parent – it can feel like someone in the family is continually under the weather, and when the kids fall sick, it’s especially tough. My son, Rex, was ill just the other week and wiped us all out with him! As an athlete, I know how important it is to eat a nutritious and balanced diet to support my immune system, which is why I try to make sure my kids do the same.
“Taste is a huge factor for children – my kids won’t touch anything they don’t like, which is why snacks like Petits Filous are such a staple in our household. The children can eat something they enjoy, whilst I’m reassured in the knowledge they’re full of goodness *** and include immune contributing nutrients such as vitamin D * – helping to keep our house sniffle free!”
3 in 10 parents (29 per cent) currently confess they lack the confidence to identify foods rich in Vitamin D for their children’s wellbeing, with 80% aspiring to do more to boost their children’s immune systems and 1 in 5 (22 per cent) open to receiving guidance on how to encourage them to eat more nutritious foods.
Dietitian, Dr Carrie Ruxton, believes an important way of adding more vitamin D to children’s diets is by packing their meals and snacks full of all the key nutrients they need. Carrie shares her top food picks for parents who want to maintain their child’s immunity this autumn:
Taste the Rainbow: Fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins A and C so ensure your child gets their five a day. Remember, all types count towards this goal including dried fruit, frozen or tinned veg, baked beans and one daily glass of 100% fruit juice.
Vital Vitamins: Give your children fortified foods, such as yoghurts and fromage frais. Vitamin D deficiency is very common in the UK due to our diets, lifestyle, and weather so it’s estimated that 16% of children in the UK are deficient in vitamin D****. Check labels for fortification levels as, for example, just two small 94g pots of Petits Filous can provide 50% of a child’s recommended daily allowance of vitamin D.
Sunny Side Up: Eggs are a great source of folate and B12; vitamins recognised to support immunity. Try something different to boiled or fried eggs by making a Spanish-type omelette and adding ingredients such as peppers, potatoes, and peas. Or homemade pancakes with bananas are another great way to include eggs in your child’s diet.
Smart Snacking: Make snacks count when it comes to autumn immunity. Instead of offering empty calories from sugary sweets and crisps, create a picky platter of peppers, unsalted nuts, dried apricots, easy peeler citrus fruits and carrot sticks.
Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is crucial for overall health. Make ‘spa water’ by infusing it with slices of fruits like citrus, berries, or cucumber. Kids can experiment with different fruit combinations to create their own flavoured water, helping to increase their water intake.
Vitamin Sea: Fishy foods are a goldmine for the immunity nutrients, zinc and selenium. Try giving them a couple of servings of fish a week e.g., grilled salmon, tinned tuna or even fish fingers!
During half term, families can get their hands on 10,000 free Petits Filous at Westfield Shepherds Bush on 25th October and at The Trafford Centre on 26th October to help parents maintain immunity during the season of sickness.