Fusion Lifestyle is working with Active Essex to help residents stay active and mobile with the Find Your Active Able Like Mable campaign.
The campaign will see resource packs distributed to people across Essex via partners like Fusion Lifestyle. The packs contain a Find Your Active Like Mabel booklet featuring simple movements to do at home, as part of a normal daily routine. The movements are designed to help keep residents steady, strong and able – keeping people active now and for years to come. The free packs can be collected from Southend Leisure & Tennis, Clements Hall Leisure Centre, Rayleigh Leisure Centre, Witham Leisure Centre, Braintree Sport & Health and Halstead Leisure Centre.
The packs will also contain exercise prompt cards – each with a different character: Able Like Mabel, Strong Like Ron, Carry Like Harry, Bend Like Barbara, Steady Like Eddie and Stand Like Stan. Each card carries details of a different exercise and a tip on where to place the card in the home so it’s on hand to inspire and become part of an everyday routine.
Steve Bentall, Sport and Community Development Officer for Fusion Lifestyle in Essex, commented: “Keeping active is one of the best things people can do for their health. It can keep people mobile and independent for longer and can help maintain independence and fulfilling lives. We are really pleased to be part of this campaign and hope that we are able to help distribute the resource packs to lots of residents and encourage them to visit our centres too. We would encourage regular users of our centres to pick up the packs and to spread the word to friends and family too.”
The campaign is further supported by digital assets including downloadable versions of the booklet and activity cards, YouTube video links to accompany the booklet and links to further advice and resources. These can all be found on the Active Essex website at https://www.activeessex.org/able-like-mabel/. Those picking up the packs and completing the exercises will be encouraged to visit their local leisure centre as a next step, to get even more mobile and engaged with activity.
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