Casinos are fun. You get to put on your best clothes, doll yourself up and mix with all sorts of people. You can go face-to-face with real dealers and experience the thrills and spills of the best casino games… roulette, blackjack, craps, slot games and all sorts. However, you can’t just rock up and get going – there are rules and casino etiquette you need to know before you go. So, let’s take a look at what is expected of you.
Understanding the Need for Etiquette
When you look at UK casino websites, you’ll find everything you need to play. There are different types of games with all different table limits. This is the perfect opportunity to practise games and strategies. You can try out the basic blackjack strategy with a cheat sheet in front of you. However, you can’t practise etiquette online – and you need to know how to behave. If you don’t know this, you’ll find yourself an unwelcome visitor and certainly won’t be invited back for seconds. Behaviour is as important as skills, strategy and money.
General Etiquette
So, let’s take a look at the more general casino rules that you should consider before walking through the door…
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Remember Your Manners
You need to always be polite no matter what. Sometimes things won’t be going your way, but you should never let that affect your manners. If you are losing, it’s not the dealer’s fault, so you should never take it out on them – or any of the other players.
Also, remember that no one likes a bad loser or a bad winner. If you are lucky and you start gloating then it’s every bit as bad as moaning about losing. You don’t necessarily need to remain stony-faced and emotionless, but don’t start jumping around and singing We are the Champions either.
Don’t Give Money Straight to the Dealer
This is more than etiquette, this is a rule. All transactions need to be fully transparent and visible on CCTV. So, you need to put your money on the table and they handle the rest.
Handle Your Drink
If you can’t handle your drink, don’t drink. Although alcohol will likely be readily available (and sometimes even given away for free), you should never drink more than you can take. No one wants to be holding a winning hand only for the game to be forfeited because a sloppy drunk spills his beer on the table or interrupts the game. No one will thank you!
Drinks and Phones Should Be Kept off the Table
As per the above point, drinks shouldn’t be kept on the table as they are easily spilt, especially in the heat of the moment.
However, you should also keep the phone away from the table and you shouldn’t answer it at the table. If you do get an important call, step away from the table to answer it. The dealer will keep an eye on your chips, so don’t worry.
Once Bet, Leave Your Chips
As soon as your bet has been placed, you can’t touch or move the chips. Once the game is in play, moving them is considered cheating.
Don’t Take Up Space On a Table You Aren’t Playing
If your friend is playing at a table but you aren’t, don’t sit on the chair next to them. You should only stand behind. Seats are for players and spectating is a standing sport.
To Tip or Not to Tip?
This is always a conundrum for those new to casinos – do you tip, how much do you tip and when do you tip? Although tipping isn’t obligatory, it will be expected. Casino staff usually get paid very little and rely on your tips. There isn’t a set amount, but it is always appreciated if you tip what you can realistically afford, win or lose.
Hopefully, you will feel a bit more confident when heading over to the casino. Follow these rules and not only will you have a great evening, but you will also be happily welcome back for another (as long as you don’t win too much of course!) You can watch an interesting video from Vice on how to treat casino dealers.