Harlow Council continuing trend of exceptional financial management and improving performance


Harlow Council’s finances remain in a strong position while services across the council continue to improve according to the latest update to the Cabinet meeting on 24 October 2024.

The council is projecting a budget surplus in both its main service budget (General Fund) and its housing budget (Housing Revenue Account). This is against a backdrop of severe pressures on local council finances across the country.

The projected surpluses have been achieved with a Council Tax freeze and millions being invested into improving council services and delivering the council’s missions for the town which are to: transform Harlow’s housing, renew our neighbourhoods, rebuild our town, secure investment for Harlow’s future, protect our communities and deliver high-performing council services.

In addition to strong financial performance, the report also highlights that the council is achieving its mission to deliver high-performing council services, with 14 out of 16 performance targets being hit up to the end of August. Performance has improved on key factors such as:

Bin collections – which are now running at 99.9% on time collection rate
Turnaround time on empty homes – which are well within target
Call wait times for residents – which are well below target
Tens of millions of pounds of investment into upgrading council houses and flat blocks – with nearly all projects on track
Tens of millions of pounds of investment into upgrading community facilities such as the Playhouse, Harlow Museum, Latton Bush Centre and playgrounds – with nearly all projects on track

Performance targets are set annually and progress on these is reported to the council monthly, highlighting areas where services are performing well as well as those where we can improve. These indicators are used to drive more effective performance across the council and to ensure residents are receiving the high-quality service that they expect.

Commenting on the council’s strong financial performance, Councillor James Leppard, Cabinet Member for Finance, said:

“I am pleased to report that, following a budget surplus in the last financial year, we are continuing the trend of exceptional financial management with another surplus forecast for this financial year.

“This is a testament to the council’s effective use of its financial resources which enables us to continue to invest in our six missions whilst freezing Council Tax.

“We are achieving this against a backdrop of significant financial pressures and there are few councils in the country at this time who can say that their finances are in a healthy position. Our financial position remains strong, we continue to act prudently by mitigating risks and most importantly, we can continue to invest tens of millions to deliver on your priorities.”

Commenting on the council improving services for residents, Councillor Hannah Ellis, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Transformation, said:

“Harlow Council assesses and publishes its performance data every month and I’m really pleased that we are meeting our targets and continue to make improvements to the services we provide for residents.”

“Particular highlights from our latest report include lower numbers of empty council homes, fewer people in temporary accommodation, a high performing call centre with very short waiting times, and consistently quick processing of benefit claims. We have also seen a significant reduction in missed bin collections thanks to improvements made by working closely with our contractor, Veolia.”

“We are not complacent and continue to find areas in which we can make further improvements. It is our duty to provide the best possible service for residents and we will keep working hard to build a better future for town.”

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