Women in Art Fair to feature over 100 women artists


Work by over 100 international women and female-identifying artists at Women in Art Fair, 9-12 October 2024

See work by over 100 international women artists at Women in Art Fair at Mall Galleries in London this Frieze Week.

Independent artists, selected by open call, will show alongside galleries who prioritise women artists, including: the first and only gallery in the UK to solely champion female-identifying artists, Gillian Jason Gallery; and Hafez Gallery from Jeddah, whose pioneering support for emerging Saudi artists has brought their work to an international audience.

A spotlight section entitled “Women’s Cycles”, curated by Virginia Damtsa, will sit at the heart of the Fair, showing work by six emerging and more established international artists that connects viewers with both “the universal and deeply personal aspects of womanhood.”

An invited artists section will show pieces by key contemporary artists, including Elpida Hadzi-Vasileva, who has represented both Macedonia and the Holy See at the Venice Biennale.

A high-profile talks programme will feature speakers from around the world including: Saudi Arabia’s representative at the Venice Biennale 2024, Manal AlDowayan; pioneering female art collector, Basma Al Sulaiman; groundbreaking champion of Chinese contemporary art, Pearl

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