Sarah Ridge, 52, from Essex, is a mum of 2 celebrating her business growing to 5 times its original size over the last 6 months, thanks to the interest from other women in business wanting to be a part of it and she’s now calling out for others to also join her.

Having founded her business, The Sisterhood Networking Group, from her desire to create change, and to support other women who were new to entrepreneurship, Sarah’s continued growth comes from her rapidly expanding her business into a franchise, which now sees her operating across Essex, Darford, Fareham, Ayrshire with Flintshire in Wales launching soon.

A previous Rightmove Sales Exec, having also tried her hand at other creative entrepreneurial ventures, Sarah’s business was born out of her detest for bullies, cliques and pressured peer to peer networking, all of which Sarah has experienced at different points in her life, as well as her own personal need for connection, to help combat the loneliness of working from home

With stats showing that more than a third (39%) of women in business find working from home lonely (1), Sarah had also heard from many of her peers that despite craving company they’d actively avoided networking due to; not feeling like they would fit in, a lack of confidence or from feeling like they weren’t good enough to join the groups available.

A seasoned networker, – as an attendee and a host – as well as a podcast host and regular guest at BBC Essex featuring on ‘Sadie’s Soapbox’, Sarah knows how to put people at ease and create connection. When it came to business meetings she wanted to emulate a more informal set up, where women could feel more comfortable and this is where her business was born.

Sarah, born and raised in Essex, who was the eldest of four children said: “I am used to being around people, and also used to feeling lonely. I have experienced these contrasts so in my networking group I wanted to really make sure it felt personal. I wanted to create a friendly environment, and a relaxed setting where women feel cosy and comfortable, and at ease. Where they can open up to share their concerns rather than feeling like they had to show up with a mask on, hiding their real emotions because they were trying to be seen as ultra professional. As women, we are at our best when we feel connected to others and I always felt there was a real need for heart led, relaxed and informal networking meetings. No scary speeches, no 60 second elevator pitch, just an opportunity once a month to share what you’re passionate about with a room full of like minded ladies.”

Looking at Sarah you’d think she’s got confidence running through her veins – with her experience podcasting and having worked in TV and radio she’s no stranger to the limelight,but in private, she’s fought for years to overcome low self worth and anxiety, largely generated from the bullying she’s experienced throughout her lifetime.

After successfully launching in her home town of Essex in 2022, The Sisterhood Networking Group has since grown and grown, and now has franchises up and running in an additional 5 locations across the UK. She is carefully hand selecting a team of women to join her, who all understand what it means to be a female solo business owner and the challenges that go hand in hand with that.

She says “As far back as my school years, I can remember never feeling like I quite fitted in anywhere. I struggled to make friends and this continued into adulthood. I found the school playground really stressful and once again battled with feelings of insecurity. So when I became a business owner, I was keen to find somewhere I could go to share my new venture. Whilst also making valuable business connections.”

She adds “It became clear to me that there were very few networking groups to choose from that didn’t give me sweaty palms or heart palpitations! So I decided to create my own group, on my own terms and that’s when The Sisterhood Networking Group was born.”

“I don’t ever want anyone to feel alone, isolated or left out, like I have over the years, so
I welcome everyone with open arms. Knowing that you have somewhere you can come regularly to share your experiences and ask for help if you need it, can mean the difference between you thriving instead of just surviving – this is true both as a meeting attendee, and as a franchise partner within our business – either way I’m here to support you”.

Sarah is now on a mission to launch a branch of The Sisterhood Networking Group in every city and town across the UK. She is consciously keeping the investment significantly less than industry average for franchises, to enable other female business owners to grow their own businesses with her help, without a huge financial commitment. For more information or to get in touch email [email protected]

Sarah runs her own groups across South Essex and her next meeting is in Billericay on Tuesday 10th September from 7.30 to 9.30pm.

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