Dog fighting reports continue to rise


The number of calls reporting organised dog fighting to the RSPCA in England has risen by 35% in the last four years, new figures reveal today.

The number of dog fighting incidents reported to the RSPCA has increased from 399 in 2020 to 537 in 2023 (537 incidents), and has risen by 8% year-on-year from 2022 to 2023.

The charity’s Special Operations Unit (SOU) – a specialist taskforce that investigates serious and organised animal crime, such as dog fighting – recently brought a fighting ring to justice following a two-year investigation.

Now, the charity is racing funds via its ‘No Animal Deserves Cruelty’ campaign to support the efforts of its dedicated rescue teams.

RSPCA SOU Chief Inspector Will Mitchell said: “Dog fighting is a draconian and barbaric bloodsport which many people believe society has left behind in history. Sadly though, the reality is that we continue to investigate cases today, involving sophisticated networks of people whose passion is breeding, training, arranging and fighting dogs.

“We see career criminals getting their kicks from watching dogs rip each other’s throats out and break each other’s legs. It’s shocking and there is absolutely no place for it in society today.

“As we all work together to try to create a kinder world for animals, it’s time this sort of sickening level of deliberate and gratuitous animal cruelty was stamped out for good – but we need your help to do that. If you have any concerns about dogs or people who may be involved in fighting, please contact our cruelty line on 0300 1234 999.”

The figures reveal that the RSPCA has received a total of 1,734 reports* of organised dog fighting in England over the last four years (2020-2023). Teams in Wales also received 97 reports from 2020-2023.

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