Chief Executive of Nubian Life Resource Centre Jazz Browne awarded an honorary doctorate from UWL


The University of West London (UWL) has awarded Jazz Browne an Honorary Doctor of Letters for her work with the College of Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare (CNMH) and the Geller Institute of Ageing and Memory (GIAM) to give vulnerable people within marginalised communities a voice.

Jazz is the Chief Executive of Nubian Life Resource Centre, a registered charity providing person-centred activity-based care for African, Caribbean and South Asian older people living with complex health and social care needs in the London borough of Hammersmith & Fulham. She joined the centre in 2001 as a development worker and went on to take over as the Chief Executive in 2012.

With over 25 years of experience in community development, Jazz coordinates GIAM’s African Caribbean Research Advisory Group on behalf of UWL.

She is also a founding member of the Dementia Alliance for Culture and Ethnicity, the Providers of Older People’s Services Forum (PoPs) and H&F Mental Health Equity Group. Working strategically across sectors locally and nationally; academically her work has influenced University College London’s APPLE-Tree Study, and Cardiff University’s Diversity in Dementia programme for medical students.

As Course Leader and Senior Lecturer in Social Work at CNMH Dr Arlene P Weekes presented her with her award she said, “Jazz’s journey reflects a dedication to supporting vulnerable populations and an ability to lead with a clear vision and deep empathy.”

“This Honorary Doctor of Letters is appropriate for Jazz, recognising her distinguished work, local and regional influence, and the meaningful changes she has driven in adult social care.”

“Together with colleagues in the audience, we have, and we are changing lives, through research, social work, challenging and influencing social policy and importantly giving older and vulnerable people within marginalised communities a voice,” said Jazz as she thanked the University for her award.

“To my fellow graduates, congratulations on graduating today. Find your passion and purpose. The world needs you.”

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