Adult learning provider, ACL Essex, is encouraging dedicated parents and carers to step forward and help people get into training.
Starting on Monday 1 July, ACL Essex’s Parent Ambassador programme will equip volunteers with the skills to support fellow parents and carers in their local community.
The four-week course will teach about safeguarding and how to build relationships with local groups.
Learners will find out about the range of courses on offer at ACL Essex and how to promote these to fellow parents and carers. They will also learn how to provide information, advice and guidance on services that people can access.
The programme is open to parents, carers, or anyone with parenting experience, in Basildon, Harlow, Tendring and Colchester.
Lisa Jarentowski, ACL Essex Principal, said: “Parent Ambassadors represent ACL Essex in our local areas. We want to offer the very best services. Parent Ambassadors support fellow parents and carers and help us improve our services.
“What’s more, our Parent Ambassadors are volunteers. You can give as much or as little of your time as you’re able. You can gain valuable experience while supporting others in the community.”
ACL Essex’s Parent Ambassador volunteers represent ACL Essex in the local community. The volunteers share information about events, classes and services with fellow parents and carers. They also set up coffee mornings and speak to local families about their needs.
Parent Ambassador Helen is encouraging others to consider becoming a Parent Ambassador.
Helen said: “As a Parent Ambassador, I can help other people to achieve their goals and live their best lives. It will help me prepare for employment when my son starts school.”
Another Parent Ambassador, Ife, helps parents access services that can help them.
Ife said: “I decided to become a Parent Ambassador to make a difference. I can point parents in the direction of people who can solve their problems. That smile alone means a lot to me.”
ACL Essex’s Parent Ambassador training programme starts on Monday 1 July.
The programme is currently focused on the Levelling Up areas of Basildon, Harlow, Tendring and Colchester.