Braintree District Council has announced Cllr Lyn Walters as its new Chairman for 2024-25 at its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Monday, 22 April 2024.

Cllr Walters, who is the ward member for Bocking Blackwater, has been a councillor since 2011. She was previously Chairman in 2015.

As Chairman of the Council, Cllr Walters will represent the council at official events over the next 12 months, meeting residents, community groups and businesses and promoting the aims and values of the Council.

In lieu of selecting a chosen charity, the Chairman will decide at the end of her term who should be the recipient of any fundraising from her meet and greets throughout the year.

Cllr Justin Wrench has been elected as Vice-Chairman.

Cllr Lyn Walters, Chairman of Braintree District Council, said: “Thank you for this prestigious opportunity to be doing this again. It is a great privilege for me and I am very thankful.”

Cllr Justin Wrench, Vice-Chairman of Braintree District Council, said: “I am delighted and honoured to have been chosen as Vice-Chairman for the year ahead. I look forward to supporting Cllr Walters and the opportunities the year ahead brings.”

The outgoing Chairman of the Council, Cllr Diana Garrod, attended 85 engagements in the local community with a focus on health in all aspects. She hosted multiple civic events with proceeds going to her chosen charity, the Salvation Army.

Cllr Diana Garrod said: “It has been an honour and a privilege to hold this position for the past year and to meet so many wonderful people within the community. There have been many highlights and I am proud of the support that organisations within the district are providing to those in need.”

Any organisations, community groups or businesses that would like to invite the Chairman to attend an event should visit www.braintree.gov.uk/invitethechairman.

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