TV Celebs Faye Brooks, Leanne Brown and Jess Cunningham unlock the secret to harmonious hormones with Elle Sera


Balanced hormones are the holy grail for every woman – no more mood swings, brain fog, weight gain, sleepless nights or fatigue. The impact that hormone imbalance can have on women’s lives is huge, and often the problem affects their relationships, jobs and ability to cope with day to day life. Often women find it hard to juggle jobs, children, partners whilst struggling with hormonal highs and lows.

Elle Sera is a potent golden hormone-balancing pill backed by evidence-based research. It contains five of the best, most powerful, proven ingredients to champion healthy hormones including: Maca Extract, Ginkgo Biloba, Tribulus Terrestris, Beetroot and Siberian Ginseng. These ingredients help tackle an array of hormonal challenges, including low mood, fatigue, inflammation, low libido, poor immunity, loss of memory, brain fog and weight gain.

Here’s what TV Celebs Faye Brooks, Leanne Brown and Jess Cunningham said of Elle Sera:

Actress Faye Brooks, Coronation Street. “I can be emotional due to my hormones. I don’t want that to be a bad thing, I want that to be my superpower, I want that to be a good thing. I have emotions, I’m going to share them. If I get upset, it’s ok if I cry, that’s a really good thing. I’ve been taking Elle Sera for a good few years now and since it’s been in my lifestyle I know it’s been working wonders. My skin is better, energy levels are better AND my periods are better. I’m a Duracell Bunny, full of energy and beans living a fast-paced life, so when I stopped taking Elle Sera for a few weeks (as I was away with work and forgot to take them with me), I knew something was different. Now, I take it every morning with my breakfast. It’s something that I don’t have to think about taking everyday.”
Faye Brookes – Coronation Street (Full interview)

Leanne Brown, from Real Housewives of Cheshire. “I’ve been taking Elle Sera since the beginning of the year and I find it really balances me and curbs my appetite and my weight has definitely plateaued since taking it. When I didn’t take it, I felt tired, hungrier and I had a low libido. I’m single and it’s enhanced my Libido, which can sometimes be a problem!”
Leanne Brown – Release Housewives Of Cheshire (Full interview)

Jess Cunningham from The Apprentice says of Elle Sera “My life is busy as a business owner & Mum of 5, but Elle Sera helps me to maintain consistent energy levels throughout the day. I sleep well and remain calm and centred when faced with challenges. It complements my life and work style perfectly and I would recommend Elle Sera to any woman who is looking to find balance in their day-to-day physical and emotional health”
Jess Cunningham – The Apprentice (Full interview)

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