Top 5 Countries to Visit in Central America


Central America is a part of the world that perhaps doesn’t get the attention it deserves from tourists in the UK. But there are plenty of reasons to prefer a visit here. A variety of experiences are to be found here – meaning that there’s something for everyone.

Each country holds its own unique appeal to tourists. Let’s assess some of the key features of each.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a favourite with American tourists. There are lush jungles, unspoilt beaches, and several wonderful cultural hotspots. The best Costa Rica trips offer a chance to enjoy it all. One day you’ll be ziplining through a cloud-engulfed rainforest, then next, you’ll watch baby turtles make the short perilous journey to the Caribbean.


One of the best things about Nicaragua is the amount of natural beauty there is crammed into quite a small area. You won’t spend as much here, and, if you’re looking for a chance to enjoy some surfing, there are few better places in the region.


Depending on who you ask, Mexico sits in both Central and North America. It’s truly massive compared to the other countries we’ve listed here, and contains a multitude of monuments, landmarks and famous ruins, as well as a diverse mix of famous foods.

Of course, as well as the countryside, we have to also consider the magnetic draw of the capital, Mexico City. It’s among the largest urban centres anywhere in the world, with a blend of incredible cantinas and museums, as well as a system of canals that have survived in the city for hundreds of years. Xochimilco is often compared with Venice. It’s watery, it’s fun, and it’s one of the attractions that no self-respecting tourist can afford to miss!


On the other side of the region, we find Panama. It’s a long, thin strip of land, and boasts an enviable diversity of plant and animal species. It’s ideal for those looking for an activity holiday, with plenty of chances to go hiking, diving, and white-water rafting.


The enduring legacy of the Mayan civilisation is perhaps in stronger evidence in Guatemala than it is anywhere else in the region. The Spanish influence isn’t quite as strong here, to the extent that many rural communities still speak the languages from before the conquest. There’s a typically Central American range of natural wonders to experience here: from mountains to jungles to unspoilt beaches, you’ll never be short of something to explore.

Perhaps the most beautiful of them is Lago de Atitlán, which sits in the Sierra Madre mountains in the country’s south. The name comes from the Nahuatl language, and means ‘between the waters’.

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