Brentwood United Reformed Church New Road Brentwood Essex will hold its last service on Saturday 8th July 2023 at 2.30pm.
The URC is a family of Christians who meet in local churches across England, Scotland and Wales, part of the worldwide family of Reformed Churches, a group of more than 70 million Christians.
The URC has around 37,000 members in about 1,250 congregations with more than 600 ministers. More than 50,000 people worship in our churches each week, and many more take part in the weekday activities of the churches.
Brentwood United Reformed Church has operated in the town for 176 years. However, due to the falling numbers at services and the increasing average age of members the decision was regretfully taken to close the church.
The Revd. Barnabas Shin, the Minister of the church, said “A chapter of Brentwood URC will end, but our next chapter be continued by the seed of goodness of God that our church has shared with our community, which has been growing and bearing its fruits.”
In the past the Church has been a hub for the community with Scouts, Guides, Brownies and Cubs all meeting in the church hall; a thriving junior church, Wednesday Lunch Club for senior citizens and Sacred Space were but a few of the many community activities in the building.
The Grade two listed building is being put up for sale and a number of parties have expressed an interest in the site.