Harlow employers inspired to champion health and wellbeing in their workplace


A free event promoting positive health and wellbeing in the workplace saw around 60 local employers attend the Harlow Football Club to listen to speakers from a range of support services.

The Work Well event held on Friday 28 June included a number of speakers from organisations such as Rainbow Services, who spoke about topics including the benefits of employee volunteering and Mind in West Essex, speaking about their Time to Change campaign, which aims to remove discrimination and the stigma surrounding mental health.

Organised by the Bewell, Staywell, Workwell, delivery group of the Health and Wellbeing Partnership Board, the event resulted in 40 requests being made to support organisations for further information on the services they offer, to help employers provide healthier workplaces.

Councillor Eugenie Harvey, portfolio holder for Community Wellbeing, said: “It was encouraging to see so many people attend and listen to some great speakers who really champion health and wellbeing in the workplace.

The event covered a lot of topics and employers were able to take informational pamphlets home with them so they could implement change within their workplace. The main topics discussed were mental health, health & safety, and positive changes that can be made in the workplace.

Many employers weren’t aware that simple positive changes like improving the furniture can have serious benefits for employees. If a worker is sat on a low-quality chair all day then this can have serious consequences on their back and overall health. You can click here to go on prodigy office furniture to find office chairs with ergonomic designs.

“In all of the presentations there were tremendous offers of support to work alongside Harlow employers and help them to create and maintain a happy and healthy workforce. It was also incredibly inspiring to hear from employers who shared some excellent lived experiences and spoke about the positive impact this has had on their business and workforce.

“It’s important we consider how places of work contribute towards our health and wellbeing, and we hope more employers will take advantage of the available information and support.”

For more information on the presenting organisations or to find out more about Bewell, Staywell, Workwell, please contact [email protected]

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