New Suncare Campaign aims to leave Permanent Impression on Parents


Figures released today by Soltan, the UK’s No1 5* UVA protection suncare brand, show that over half (51%) of parents choose a sun cream based only on its SPF rating to prevent sun burn, without realising the significance of the star rating that indicates protection against long term, permanent skin damage caused by UVA.

The research has been released as Soltan launches a controversial and thought-provoking campaign that aims to help parents understand the risk of exposing their family to UVA damage that is as permanent as a tattoo, if they use a sun cream with less than 5*UVA protection.

The survey of 1,000 parents of children aged 14 and under revealed that while 87% of parents understand that it is possible to get permanent skin damage from the sun, 40% believe that UVA damage is short term and lasts no longer than a week.

The lack of parental understanding of the dangers of UVA rays comes despite previous education campaigns by brands, charities and the public sector. In fact, Soltan’s research showed that:

Just 14% of parents consciously choose a sun cream based on its UVA rating
Over a third (39%) of parents with primary school aged children do not consider UVA rating at all when choosing a sun cream
Over half (55%) do not even know what the UVA rating is
The research shows that whilst parents do all the they can to protect their children from sun protection, with 2/3 reapplying sun cream after every time their children have been in the water and 80% of parents making sure their children wear a hat as well as sun cream, the lack of awareness of the need for 5* UVA protection means they are still at risk of permanent skin damage from the sun Combined with the fact that nearly a quarter (123%) of a person’s lifetime sun exposure is acquired before age 18 there is a real need for regular and effective sun protection.

    It gets even scarier when factors like skin cancer are involved, with most sun damage occurring before the age of 18. In countries like North America and Australia, these statistics are greater, with teams of doctors being professionally equipped to deal with the treatment of skin cancer. Looking for a doctor haberfield areas and other areas in Australia is a very easy thing to do, however, this can be different in the UK. If you go to your local GP and they spot an irregularity they would most likely refer you to the hospital for a specialist to deal with the problem. The important thing is proper skin protection and skin checks after being in the sun is vital, to avoid and prevent serious skin issues, like cancer, occurring.

    Soltan’s new, hard-hitting campaign aims to leave a lasting impression on consumers, jolting them into action. Timed to coincide with the start of Spring, during which time over a fifth of annual UVA- related skin damage occurs, Soltan’s shocking new “tattoo” campaign will be appearing all over the UK.

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