How To Choose The Best Bathroom Furniture


The bathroom is one of the most important rooms in your home, and that makes a bathroom that is both aesthetically pleasing and fully functional a vital part of day-to-day life. However, as with any part of your home (or even a workplace), there are hundreds of retailers selling all kinds of appliances, fixtures, aesthetic additions, and other extras to make your bathroom feel complete.

But how do you find the ideal furniture and fixtures for your needs, and how can you stick to a specific aesthetic without having to shell out for highly expensive bathtub and toilet designs? Sometimes, a bit of common sense is all you need.

Prioritize The Functional Things

Unlike many other rooms in your home, bathrooms are meant to be functional first and foremost. While they still need to look nice, a bathroom with a cheap bathtub or shower becomes much less useful, especially if you spend most of your budget on aesthetics.

The best way to build a new bathroom design is to focus on the core elements first, which usually refer to the things you actually use. This means that things like sinks, toilets, and shower units need to be the highest priority when you are choosing bathroom furniture.

Additions like mirrors and storage should be next since they are functional but not necessarily a massive part of the bathroom itself. Always leave the fanciest-looking elements until the end – except tiles or other elements that need to be put down before everything else can be installed.

Stay Within A Budget

Bathrooms are often the most expensive rooms in the house to update, so it is important to have a realistic budget for your project. If you have a lot of money to spare, you can go all-out with unique and custom-made furniture, but for those on a smaller budget, there are still plenty of options.

One option is to choose cheaper furniture that is easy to customize and repaint. For example, you could buy an inexpensive vanity unit and paint it rather than spending extra for specially-made storage that realistically did not need to eat up so much of your budget.

It can help to reduce your budget a bit more than you need to. Setting some of your budget aside makes it easy to change your mind about smaller additions rather than finishing the project with no spare funds and a load of decorations you would rather replace.

Go For Brand Names

If you recognize a product’s brand name, it is probably a product worth considering. Bathroom brands are not nearly as over-represented in advertising as other niches, which means that names like Victoria Plum are usually a good mark of quality.

Not only are popular bathroom brand names generally quite high-quality, but they will also be more familiar to contractors and have plenty of guides online. This can make it much easier to have new bathroom appliances installed quickly, even if you are doing some of the work yourself.

Major brand names are also going to have more reviews out there for each of their products. This makes it significantly easier to research each item you are considering, learning the good and the bad about every addition to your bathroom before you even have to spend any money.

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